
Pirated textbooks know identify counterfeits

Fake textbooks are the poor reproductions of unique reading material. Unlike the latter, they are created by unfair means, lack quality and students sometimes tend to get them on different commercial centres from outsider vendors in view of lower costs (such books are frequently sent from China, India, and so on).


Counterfeit textbooks render endless losses to the authors, publishers and the customers. It also leads to lakhs of job losses.


Keeping in mind the end goal to help people recognize the fake textbooks and not fall into the trap, we are posting this rundown of contrasts amongst certifiable and illicit releases that should be focused.


Realize what to search for while reviewing reading material and how to recognize a genuine from a fake.


General Strategies for Identifying Counterfeit Textbooks


1. Compare your book to a copy from the publisher
Varieties between a praiseworthy and a fake might be slight and hard to identify. In a perfect world, a genuine copy ought to be from an indistinguishable printing from the speculated fake for correlation.


2. Think about the totality of the conditions
Other than directing a “side-by-side” examination, different variables to remember incorporating the source, cost, condition, the amount offered, and online input.


3. Components used for deciding
While inspecting a speculated fake course book, think about the attributes of each book. Varieties in any of these qualities between a presumed fake and an authentic copy may affirm or be steady of the piratical idea of the speculated fake.


Some fake books may just have maybe a couple characteristics that show its fake nature, while others may have more. Qualities to look at incorporating the accompanying rundown.


1. Measurements
a. Height
b. Width
c. Mass


2. Cover
a. Cover Stock
b. Cover Images and Copy – Clarity, Proportions, Color Saturation, Fonts, Back Cover Copy
c. Claim to fame Finishing – Embossed/Raised Text and Images, Gloss/Matte, UV Varnish, Foil Stamping, and so on.


3. Standardized identification Label/Barcodes
a. Spine – Clarity, Proportions, Color, Fonts


4. Quality of Paper
a. Opacity – Degree of Show Through
b. Mass/Thickness
c. Shading
d. Finish
e. Feel – Does paper feel rougher/smoother than a genuine duplicate?


5. Printing Quality
a. Ink – Density, Color
b. Pictures – Halftones, Photos, Screens, Tints
c. Arrangement – Bleeds, Margins, Alignment
d. Clarity – Does printing seem grainy, dim, or hazy?


6. Binding
a. Appearance – Spine, Formation
b. Headband – Color(s) or potentially Material Used
c. Scoring – Cover Hinge Scoring
d. Cement – Color of Glue, Appearance
e. Tunneling


7. Endsheets/Inserts
a. Ink
b. Paper
c. Pictures
d. Arrangement
e. Clarity and Succinctness


8. Miscellaneous
a. Missing Pages
b. Incorrect ISBN
c. Unique/Inconsistent Pagination, particularly in front or back materials.


We hope the next time, you go out for textbook shopping, you will closely observe all the above-mentioned points. You can also read our blog on book counterfeiting.

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