
How preventing fake products will triple your consumers

Holostik India

Fake products are a big threat for your company’s growth. Moreover, they infringe your trademarks and copyrights, steal your product innovation and most importantly downsize your consumer base.

With the help of anti-duplication solutions, you can deter counterfeiters from copying your products and its packaging. This definitely prevents the sale of fake products in the market and your consumers only purchase your genuinely manufactured products. Market studies have shown that the sale of fake products drastically brings down your consumer base every year. Companies loose thousands of consumers every year to counterfeits. Therefore, taking steps to curb down the sale of counterfeits increase your consumers manifolds.  

Preventing duplication leverage your sales. If there is no availability of fake products, then your consumers buy only genuine items. Moreover, people who knowingly buy fakes are also compelled to buy only genuine goods. This positive trend upscales your sales growth manifold from which you can make new business strategies to rope in more new consumers. 

The sale of fake products not just hinders the financial growth of your company but also impacts your brand image. Continuous negative news of fake products in the market deters your investors, consumers and other stakeholders. No wonder, in a highly competitive market consumer don’t think twice and instantly switch over to your competitor. 

Therefore, preventing fake products instils a sense of confidence in every individual who doubts about your product or your company’s image. With a strong brand image and market reputation you can expand your market presence in diverse geographies and further increase your consumer base. 

Preventing duplication stops monetary losses, fortifies supply chains and boosts brand image. These together help in increasing your consumers up to three times. 

Holostik is an leader in the anti-duplication industry and has been securing companies worldwide from the menace of fake products. We provide customised anti-duplication and supply chain visibility solutions for you. To know more about our products and solutions, call us on +91–785-785-7000 or drop us a mail at

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