
How organisations can benefit from track and trace technology?

There are numerous instances when organizations can do nothing about situations like theft, robbery, fire, etc. All they suffer is the irreversible damage caused to them. It takes years and sometimes decades to recover from that loss.


However, companies can take different measures for security and safety. Besides they can also secure their supply chains. With the mammoth development in technology new cutting-edge measure is being adopted by the company across the world. Nowadays companies can effectively monitor and manage their supply chains and can look out for any loopholes with exact accuracy.


One of the major threats faced by organizations across the world is that of counterfeiting. Duplication or counterfeiting can take place at any stage of the supply chain. The supply chain of a company encompasses different stages; therefore, it is challenging to monitor each of them. In addition, it is not possible to check individual errors or problems in the supply chain.


Lately, different kinds of technologies are being used to fight the menace of counterfeiting or duplication along with the management of supply chains. The combination of IT technology and holographic technology is being used by organizations across the world. A recent example is the bar codes and QR codes along with holograms which helps to perform multiple functions including track and trace, supply chain management, reward management, inventory management, marketing management among others.


Digital authentication with a QR code or barcode takes place on the single product, pack, case and pallet level. Different and unique QR codes are difficult to copy and provide impeccable security on each level of the supply chain. Holostik is a frontrunner of anti-counterfeiting solutions and caters a plethora of holographic and digital authentication solutions for safeguarding the supply chains. The security holograms along with digital authentication solutions help in providing a multi-layered security approach  to the product and the organization.


To get the best track and trace solutions call us on +91-9905124124 or mail us at

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